
Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's been over a month since I updated my blog, and what a busy month it's been! Take a peek into just what the boys and I have been up to...

The boys had a fabulous Apple Blossom spent with wonderful friends and family....

Ethan enjoyed his first Classy Chassis (he was too little last year)... at least until it rained!
We were rained out for a little bit at the Grand Parade, but we made the most fun out of it... after all, it's not everyday that we have a monsoon in Wenatchee!
Once the rain ended, it seemed as though I had lost my son and gained the cutest little super hero ever!
Even Ethan got to bust a few moves of his own!
Apple Blossom ended just in time to enjoy Mother's Day Sunday... I had so much to celebrate this year and have never been happier with my two little men. We spent the day up in Manson with some friends at the Hard Row to Hoe Winery. I learned while up there that the history behind the winery was that it used to serve as a brothel. I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to spend with the family & friends(Relax... I'm kidding).

Emma, Ethan and Cohen...
Is this a sign that my sweet little angel is already going to be a wine lover?
Ethan's new haircut. Thanks to Papa and a pair of scissors, we had to call Rachell in on her day off to do some damage control. My little Bieber has the new Biebster cut and it's just as adorable!
If there wasn't a resemblance before... there is now. No denying that this kid has two sets of genes.
My little big man...
Cohen wasn't the only one who got to have some fun with the dirtbike today though... Even Ethan got his turn on it.

So far, the month of May has been amazing to us. Here's to a WONDERFULLY HOT summer filled with lots of love, laughter and good times. xoxo

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